Monday, January 10, 2011

Christmas Photos

We braved the freezing cold to get a good family picture while Josh was home, two days later he anounced he is moving back for a while. Good timing Josh:) But I'm so glad we got this one at Christmas, hopefully next time we wont be freezing and will be able to enjoy a longer shoot:) I love my family we had a great Christmas together and went and saw Narnia III It was so fun and I loved the message at the end. Seek to Know you Heavenly Father better.
                                                 Putting legos together on Christmas Eve

Margaret made all the costumes and planned scripture and hymns to read and sing and we had a beautiful nativity with our beautiful children. It was so sweet and perfect to start our Christmas out as. After  Shelby put on her new M Jackson cd and we had  a dance party. I love this picture of  dad and the kids dancing. I love my family.
                                 Stephen put this all together by himself, I was so proud of him!
 Dance Party on Christmas Eve

 Lets end with the true spirit of Christmas:)

1 comment:

Hannah said...

Looks like you all had a blast!